Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Chimney Sweeping Log: Does It Work?

Nothing like a crackling fire for the winter season.

But before you fire up the fireplace, ask yourself, how clean is my chimney? Give it a sweep with the Chimney Sweeping Log! This product is supposed to prevent chimney fires by cleaning it as it burns.
But Does It Work? "From what we've read, it says it will work in masonry fireplaces. This is Butch Weber, his chimney business is named after him. He says the fire hazard come when your chimney builds up a residue called creosote.

The makers say this product is easy to use. All you do is light the log. Sounds easy enough.

This fire gives off a chemical that is supposed to dry out the creosote. Eventually, it will breakaway from the walls' of your fireplace. "We need to let this burn for 90 minutes," we said.
We revisited the log the next day. Butch says the log, if it worked, should show us some results. But we did not see any proof. What we saw was a log that did not burn all the way. "Here are the three previous marks we made. Here's a good creosote spot. Obviously none of it has fallen like the product said it would," says Butch.
So much for the easy way out to cleaning your chimney. "It still needs to be done the old fashioned way with the steel brushes and a vacuum. No miracle cure here yet," said Butch.

Save your $16. Don't let it go up in smoke like we did. The Chimney Sweeping Log doesn't work!

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